Ages 1-2.
Encourage early literacy skills at Toddler Story Time through stories, rhymes, and songs for active little ones and their caregivers. 20 - 25 minutes. No registration.
Verona Public Library
500 Silent St.
Verona, WI 53593
United States
Ages 1-2.
Encourage early literacy skills at Toddler Story Time through stories, rhymes, and songs for active little ones and their caregivers. 20 - 25 minutes. No registration.
Ages 3-5.
This story time includes books, songs, and rhymes for preschoolers and their caregivers who model sitting and listening. We focus on school readiness by improving attention, vocabulary, and imagination! 25 - 30 minutes. No registration.
Ages 12-18. Registration required.
Enjoy breakfast-for-dinner! Create pancake art and play storytelling games in a relaxed group setting. Eat your words -- without judgement -- in this writing workshop for teens!
To request an accommodation to participate in library services, programs, or activities, please contact the library at (608) 845-7180 or fill out the online form. Please submit your request at least two weeks in advance.